Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

At Redblazer, we offer Express shipping via DHL to all countries through Ella's Logistics. Our shipping prices are based on the weight of the package and the destination zone. Below is a detailed breakdown of the shipping costs per weight and zone.

Shipping Zones:

Zone 1: UK

Zone 2: West African countries

Zone 3: USA/Canada

Zone 4: Europe

Zone 5: Other African countries

Zone 6: Middle Eastern countries (Iran, Iraq, UAE)

Zone 7: Asia

Zone 8: Other destinations

International Shipping Prices:

Weight (kg) Zone 1 (UK) Zone 2 (West Africa) Zone 3 (USA/Canada) Zone 4 (Europe) Zone 5 (Other Africa) Zone 6 (Middle East) Zone 7 (Asia) Zone 8 (Other)
0.5 67,526 73,314 77,173 86,820 88,749 94,537 106,114 115,761
1 67,526 73,314 77,173 86,820 88,749 94,537 106,114 115,761
1.5 67,526 73,314 77,173 86,820 88,749 94,537 106,114 115,761
2 67,526 73,314 77,173 86,820 88,749 94,537 106,114 115,761
2.5 84,891 88,749 98,396 106,114 108,043 115,761 129,266 138,913
3 110,937 110,358 135,343 140,071 142,193 152,804 167,661 184,639
3.5 126,468 125,214 157,531 159,171 161,294 176,150 193,128 214,351
4 139,781 140,071 177,500 180,394 182,517 199,495 218,596 246,186
4.5 155,312 154,927 199,688 201,618 203,740 222,841 241,942 275,899
5 170,844 169,783 221,876 220,718 222,841 246,186 267,409 307,733
5.5 184,157 182,517 241,845 239,819 241,942 265,287 288,632 339,568
6 197,469 195,251 261,814 258,920 261,042 284,388 307,733 369,280
6.5 208,563 207,985 279,564 278,021 280,143 303,489 328,956 401,115
7 221,876 222,841 299,533 297,122 299,244 322,589 348,057 430,827
7.5 235,189 235,575 319,502 316,222 318,345 341,690 369,280 462,662
8 248,501 248,308 339,471 333,201 335,323 360,791 388,381 492,374
8.5 259,595 263,165 359,440 354,424 356,546 382,014 409,604 524,209
9 272,908 275,899 379,409 373,525 375,647 398,993 428,705 553,921
9.5 286,221 288,632 399,378 392,626 394,748 418,093 449,928 585,756
10 295,744 310,021 405,883 420,161 422,200 440,557 475,231 624,123
Responsive Scrollable Table
Regions (Nigeria) Price (Naira)
Kaduna, Kogi, Niger, Nasarawa, Kano 9,000
Abuja (Within AMAC) 3,000
Other Parts of Abuja 5,000
All Other States in Nigeria 15,000

Note : Other courier services may differ check with your vendor.

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